Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Rene Bouteille"-Luka Bop Cuisine

To follow up, yes, coffee was a good idea before dance this morning. :) Except my energy was only put to good use during the first 20 minutes of class because shortly after warm-up part 1 my roommate/good friend Katie decided to faint and collapse into my arms! I took good care of her the rest of the time and didn't have to do the strange feet warm-up sequence to some quirky/wacky modern french music...can't even explain haha.

And I'm proud to say classes are finally planned for next quarter (already?!?). It's going to be my hippy quarter: music of the 60s and behavioral effects of psychoactive drugs are just 2 of them. That's enough to keep me entertained, even through the dreaded printing classes. I have to say, being able to dabble in classes like this just make me love college more and more.

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